Saturday, January 1, 2022

September 2021 Classroom Guidance


September 2021 Classroom Guidance

Welcome back to the 2021-2022 School Year!  This is the first lesson of the year therefore we will be doing a quick introduction of myself as well as the School Counselor’s Role.  We will also review basic coping skills that students can try on their own. 

Kindergarten and First Grade 
School Counselors are helpers
We all have feelings 
Reviewed different types of feelings (some are comfortable others are uncomfortable
Read “B is for Breathe” By Dr. Melissa Munro Boyd
Discussed variety of coping strategies shared in the story

Second Grade
School Counselors can help in MANY ways
We all have feelings
Reviewed a variety of feelings, when we might have them and helpful ways to manage them (coping skills)
Practiced grounding and breathing strategies
How to meet with the School Counselor

Third and Fourth Grade
School Counselors support students in a variety of ways
Reviewed a video sharing how our brain controls our emotions (upstairs and downstairs brain)
Reviewed coping skills
Practiced belly breathing, 478 breathing, stopping and counting
How to meet with the School Counselor