Conway Counseling Services

As the school counselor, our role includes promoting and supporting the academic, social and emotional growth of all students.  We follow the Missouri Model Guidance Program which consists of four specific areas.  These areas include School Counseling Curriculum, Responsive Services, System Support and Individual Planning.  

School Counseling Curriculum  (35-45% of counselor’s time)
  • We love getting to spend time in classrooms teaching whole group guidance lessons.  It gives us an opportunity to see all students and continue building rapport.  Typically we visit each classroom monthly.  However, if a teacher needs us to come in to teach additional lessons based on the needs they are having in their particular class, we are able to do so.  Lessons cover a variety of topics including role of the counselor, understanding feelings, making safe/responsible choices, bullying, friendship, diversity, self esteem goal setting, careers and conflict resolution.  

 Responsive Services (30-40% of counselor’s time)
  • Short-term individual counseling services are provided for students surrounding issues that may negatively impact their personal, social, emotional or academic success at school on an as needed basis.   Student's may be referred by parents, teachers, principal or self.  It is is important to note that a school counselor's role is different than the role of a therapeutic counselor.  If concerns continue long-term or it seems as though a student is in need of ongoing therapy, parents will be provided with a referral list of outside counselors.  
  • A variety of small groups are offered to students who may benefit from spending some extra time developing academic, social or emotional  skills along with their peers.  These groups may include topics like emotional regulation, friendship or social skills.  
  • We are a resource for parents and happy to help families with a variety of needs.  Together we can work through them because there is no mountain too big.  We can also help connect families to appropriate resources as needed.  
  • Consultation with teachers to help support students who are having challenges academically or with social/emotional skills.

System Support (10-15% of counselor’s time)
  • Professional development
  • Program planning
  • Fair share responsibilities 
  • Case management of 504 plans.
  • Coordinates and implements MAP standardized testing throughout the building
  • Collaborating frequently with our partner district, St. Louis County Special School District.  

Individual Student Planning (5-10% of counselor’s time)
  • Support students during transitions (new to our school or grade to grade)
  • Explore student's abilities, interests, skills and achievement
  • Goal setting
  • Carrer exploration

Thank you for visiting this page!  Hopefully you will find everything you need to know about the school counseling program at Conway.  Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions and let me know if there is anything we can do to help make this a great year for your child!