Saturday, January 1, 2022

November 2021 Classroom Guidance

November 2021 Classroom Guidance

Jewish Family Services Safe-Touch Program was presented (by JFS) to all grade levels building wide per a law that was passed in July of 2019 called "Erin's law".  It requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program.  

Kindergarten and First Grade
To distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate touch.
Three basic safety skills: say NO to an inappropriate touch; run away to a safe place; and tell a trusted adult.
If sexual abuse were to happen to them, it is not their fault.
To understand that private parts are those parts of the body covered by a swimsuit.
That there are no secrets about abuse.

Second Grade and Third Grade
To identify instinct and feelings.
Three basic safety skills: say NO to an inappropriate touch; run away to a safe place; and tell a trusted adult.
If sexual abuse were to happen to them, it is not their fault.
To distinguish between a secret about touching and a surprise.
To understand that sexual abuse can occur with people they know and trust.
To learn effective communication skills with different subjects.
To identify people who can help.

Fourth Grade
To listen to their feelings and act upon them.
To recognize physiological responses when in danger.
Three basic safety skills: say NO to an inappropriate touch; run away to a     
safe place; and tell a trusted adult.
If sexual abuse were to happen to them, it is not their fault.
To identify tricks of potential abusers.
To practice telling someone about a difficult subject.
To identify people who can help.