Thursday, April 9, 2020

Week 2 Let's 'Due Resiliency Together

Our aim is not to overwhelm you or your students during an already overwhelming time, so please know these resources and activities are not "have-to's.” Pick and choose any or all of these activities as ways to support the overall social and emotional growth of your child(ren).


Thirsty? Fluid Facts for Kids - Drinking water is the best way to get rid of that thirst. Children should have 5-7 glasses of water a day. Guess what this will do for you…
-Get rid of toxins (the icky stuff) in your body
-Make you feel more awake
-Boost your body’s ability to defend itself
-Help move all the good stuff you eat through your body
…..And so much more!!

Keep track of how much water you drink today. Did you make the 5-7 glass goal?


Do you have ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts)? If so, try reframing the negative thoughts.  


ANT - I am not good at online learning. 

Reframe - I just started learning online and it will take time to figure it out. 
Write or draw your ANTs. Then write or draw a way to reframe them. Research says writing or drawing our feelings down is good for our immune system.


Missing your friends? Craving some connection? Chalk Your Walk! 

Use sidewalk chalk to write messages on your driveway or sidewalk to share positive messages for friends and neighbors. You could also draw a picture or put a positive message on a piece of paper and tape it to your front door or a window.

Provided by your Ladue Elementary School Counselors & Social Emotional Behavioral Team