Thursday, April 9, 2020

Week 3 Let's 'Due Resiliency Together

Our aim is not to overwhelm you or your students during an already overwhelming time, so please know these resources and activities are not "have-to's.” Pick and choose any or all of these activities as ways to support the overall social and emotional growth of your child(ren).


Hungry? Then it is time to re-fuel. Food supplies the nutrients needed to fuel your body so you can be your best.  Go, Slow, Whoa is a simple way to recognize foods that are the healthiest choices. 
• "Go" Foods: You can eat almost anytime -- low in fat and added sugar
• "Slow" Foods: You can eat sometimes -- higher in fat, added sugar
• "Whoa" Foods: You should only eat once in a while -- very high in fat and/or added sugar

Start using these words to think about what you are eating or track it by clicking here


What if?  Sometimes we hear scary information and start asking “What if...this bad thing….?”

Fred Rogers said: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” 

Who are your helpers? Can you name one helper?


Missing someone? Reach out with a virtual high-five or hug. Mail, email, or text a hug or high five to someone you care about. You can send a high five by tracing your hand and then draw or write a special message on the palm.

You can also make and mail a hug using the example shown.

Provided by your Ladue Elementary School Counselors & Social Emotional Behavioral Team