Sunday, March 27, 2022

February 2022 Classroom Guidance


February 2022 Classroom Guidance

Kindergarten – Learned about skills needed to be a successful learner
Watched the story of “Howard B Wigglebottom Learns to Listen” By Howard Binkow then discussed what was/wasn’t working for Howard.
Reviewed what “Whole Body Listening” is (using our brain, eyes, mouth, body, ears) to help us be the best we can be. 
Reviewed importance/benefits of Whole Body Listening.

First & Second Grade – Goal Setting
Read “Dex the Heart of a Hearo” By Caralyn Buehner.  
Discussed the importance of goal setting, having a plan and following through
Touched on growth mindset and perseverance
Student’s practiced making a plan for potential school, home and friend goals

3rd Grade – Organization Skills/Time Management
Reviewed what being organized looks like in regards to a student’s desk, backpack and time.
Discussed benefits of organization and time management
Shared “spaces at home” that can assist with organization and time management.
Student’s self-reflected on areas they would like to improve in
Student’s made a plan on how they could show growth in areas they selected

4th Grade – Study Skills/Test Taking
Reviewed things in/out of our control when studying or preparing for tests
Student’s shared common “worries” about test taking overall and then discussed how having some level of worry can be helpful and making sure there is a healthy balance.
Discovered study preferences and that there is no right or wrong way (for example study guides, notes, extra practice, highlighting, flashcards, study buddy, repetition, mnemonic devices etc).
Importance of positive self-talk
Brainstormed what type of things become a distraction when trying to learn and how to advocate for yourself.
Student’s identified at least two people they could count on for help should they need it in this area.

January 2022 Classroom Guidance


January 2022 Classroom Guidance

The focus for this month was Diversity

Listened to story “We’re Different, We’re the Same” By Bobbi Kates.
We are ALL different but in many ways also the same
Discussed all the ways we are the same yet different
We are ALL special from the inside and out
You are UNIQUE and truly one of a kind
Always believe in yourself and be proud of what makes you special

First Grade
Everyone has an identity
Discussed various ways we identify ourselves (for example names, race, ethnicity, nationality, language, strengths, abilities, interests, family)
Your identity is wonderful and unique
It’s important to appreciate and respect what makes us all unique
Student’s shared examples of what is special about them

Second Grade
Discussed how differences can be really good
Talked about ways we can learn from one another’s differences
No matter our differences, we ALL have feelings and deserve to be respected
Shared how it’s o.k to be curious and have questions but it’s crucial to learn in a respectful way.  
Played a game called four corners to learn more about our similarities and differences.

Third Grade
Brainstormed what our world would look like without differences
Group discussion of benefits of diversity
How we can accept and appreciate one another
Importance of filtering our thoughts as our words come out when something is different
Shared ideas of how to stand up and respect differences (showing empathy)

Fourth Grade
Discussed diversity
Students shared reasons why differences are important
We ALL have value and deserve to be respected
Student’s participated in a diversity treasure hunt and continued to learn interesting things about one another.  

Saturday, January 1, 2022

December 2021 Classroom Guidance


December 2021 Classroom Guidance

The topic of this month is Conflict Resolution

Reviewed what the words “Conflict” and “Resolution” mean
Read the story “The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Friend” By Stan and Jan Berenstain then discussed the conflict and resolution
Brainstormed a variety of strategies to try to minimize the conflict
Practiced pre-made scenarios and how to apply one of eight strategies 

First Grade
Read the story “Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type” By Doreen Cronin then discussed
Reviewed the concept of conflict 
Discussed five different conflict resolution strategies
Practiced which strategies to apply to pre-made scenarios

Second Grade
Read the story “The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs” By Jon Scieszka and discussed
Discussed the types of feelings that can accompany conflict
The importance of using I statements “Talk it out” strategy
What your body and voice should look/sound like when trying to resolve conflict
Reviewed ten different conflict resolution strategies
Practiced I statements together (I feel….when you…could you please….)

Third Grade
Reviewed the concepts of conflict and resolution
Read the story “The Zax” By Dr. Seuss and discussed
Reviewed communication styles (passive, aggressive, assertive)
Reviewed common roadblocks in conflict that delay resolutions
Discussed how to make conflict better vs bigger
Reviewed a variety of helpful steps to implement when going through conflict

Fourth Grade
Reviewed ways to escalate and de-escalate conflict
Reviewed common roadblocks in conflict that delay resolutions
Discussed and reviewed ten different conflict resolution strategies
Discussed the danger of assumptions and understanding that there are typically two sides to every story

November 2021 Classroom Guidance

November 2021 Classroom Guidance

Jewish Family Services Safe-Touch Program was presented (by JFS) to all grade levels building wide per a law that was passed in July of 2019 called "Erin's law".  It requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program.  

Kindergarten and First Grade
To distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate touch.
Three basic safety skills: say NO to an inappropriate touch; run away to a safe place; and tell a trusted adult.
If sexual abuse were to happen to them, it is not their fault.
To understand that private parts are those parts of the body covered by a swimsuit.
That there are no secrets about abuse.

Second Grade and Third Grade
To identify instinct and feelings.
Three basic safety skills: say NO to an inappropriate touch; run away to a safe place; and tell a trusted adult.
If sexual abuse were to happen to them, it is not their fault.
To distinguish between a secret about touching and a surprise.
To understand that sexual abuse can occur with people they know and trust.
To learn effective communication skills with different subjects.
To identify people who can help.

Fourth Grade
To listen to their feelings and act upon them.
To recognize physiological responses when in danger.
Three basic safety skills: say NO to an inappropriate touch; run away to a     
safe place; and tell a trusted adult.
If sexual abuse were to happen to them, it is not their fault.
To identify tricks of potential abusers.
To practice telling someone about a difficult subject.
To identify people who can help.

October 2021 Classroom Guidance


October 2021 Classroom Guidance

The focus for this month is making safe and healthy choices.  

Discussed many examples (pictures) of safe/healthy choices vs unsafe/unhealthy choices
Reviewed importance of sleep, exercise, healthy food choices, brushing teeth, hand washing, face mask placement etc)

First Grade
Discussed what the words “healthy and safe mean”
Reviewed “Boo Bad and Ghostly Good” choices
Brainstormed numerous types of safe and healthy choices
Stressed the importance of labels on items in regards to safety (danger in assumptions and touching or ingesting something that isn’t clearly labeled).  

Second Grade
Reviewed safe (responsible) choices vs unsafe (not responsible) choices 
All choices have consequences (positive and negative)
Read the story “A Bad Case of Stripes” By David Shannon
Discussed the concept of Peer Pressure
Reviewed a variety of refusal skills

Third Grade
Everyone has the power to make choices
It’s important to take responsibility for the choices we make with our body an our words
All Choices have consequences
Discussed the concept of Peer Pressure 
Reviewed Seven different strategies to “Just Say No”

Fourth Grade
Watched a Kid President Video regarding the importance of choices then discussed
All Choices have consequences
Reviewed safe/healthy/good choices vs unsafe/unhealthy/poor choices
Reviewed five step process of making a choice (including stop and think, options, pros/cons, consequences etc.)
Discussed Peer Pressure and the variety of feelings that often accompany it
Reviewed seven tips of resisting peer pressure
Practiced in small groups using pre-made scenarios applying the five step process and refusal skills

September 2021 Classroom Guidance


September 2021 Classroom Guidance

Welcome back to the 2021-2022 School Year!  This is the first lesson of the year therefore we will be doing a quick introduction of myself as well as the School Counselor’s Role.  We will also review basic coping skills that students can try on their own. 

Kindergarten and First Grade 
School Counselors are helpers
We all have feelings 
Reviewed different types of feelings (some are comfortable others are uncomfortable
Read “B is for Breathe” By Dr. Melissa Munro Boyd
Discussed variety of coping strategies shared in the story

Second Grade
School Counselors can help in MANY ways
We all have feelings
Reviewed a variety of feelings, when we might have them and helpful ways to manage them (coping skills)
Practiced grounding and breathing strategies
How to meet with the School Counselor

Third and Fourth Grade
School Counselors support students in a variety of ways
Reviewed a video sharing how our brain controls our emotions (upstairs and downstairs brain)
Reviewed coping skills
Practiced belly breathing, 478 breathing, stopping and counting
How to meet with the School Counselor

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Week 7 Let's 'Due Resiliency Together

Our aim is not to overwhelm you or your students during an already overwhelming time, so please know these resources and activities are not "have-to's.” Pick and choose any or all of these activities as ways to support the overall social and emotional growth of your child(ren).


Do you know that yoga offers so many benefits to your health? Yoga can reduce your stress level, improve your sleep quality, and reminds you of the power of your breathing!

Here’s an example from the book Alphabreaths. Dolphin Breath- Breathe in as you lift your arms up high. Breathe out as you imagine diving into the ocean.

Can you come up with your own breathing technique?

What are you looking forward to when the stay-at-home order is lifted? 

Things we are missing now can become what we are looking forward to in the future! Hope in the future helps us feel better! Changing missing to looking forward is an example of cognitive reframing.  You can see Ms. Carey talk about this here and use it to make a Joy Jar. Make your very own Joy Jar to hold the things you are looking forward to.

What will be in your Joy Jar?


Does staying at home so much have you missing social events? What are some creative ways that you are staying connected, even at a distance? 

Here is one creative way that Ms. Carey is still socializing with “friends.” 

Want to share your creative ways of being social?  Put it on your favorite social media platform using the hashtag #social(ish) and tag @LadueSchools. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Week 6 Let's 'Due Resiliency Together

Our aim is not to overwhelm you or your students during an already overwhelming time, so please know these resources and activities are not "have-to's.” Pick and choose any or all of these activities as ways to support the overall social and emotional growth of your child(ren).


Watch this video to learn why breathing helps our brains be at their very best. Practice some deep breathing with Breath With Me, or do deep breathing by imagining a hot bowl of soup and smelling it and then cooling it down with your breath.

Why is breathing so important? Every part of our body relies on oxygen. Breathing in oxygen the right way helps our brains work better, our bodies rest better, and the food we eat digest better. It keeps our immune systems at their best and reduces stress and anxiety.


Did you know music can help us feel our feelings and calm us at the same time? Music has taken on an even bigger role of easing the stress and uncertainty from the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Make your own playlist of songs you can listen to when feeling overwhelmed. Click the link above for suggestions. Share your playlist with your family and friends.


Did you know the week of May 4-8 is Teacher Appreciation Week? May 6 is also Nurse Appreciation Day!Did you know the week of May 4-8 is Teacher Appreciation Week? May 6 is also Nurse Appreciation Day!

Reach out and show some love to your teachers and nurse by sending them an email, writing them a poem, or making them a video telling them all the ways you appreciate them.

Provided by your Ladue Elementary School Counselors & Social Emotional Behavioral Team